WAVE GOODBYE TO ROAD RAGEKelly BoultonComparing road manners with everyday situations in a Road Ragers Anonymous lesson exposes the ludicrous nature of road rage. Set to a cheesy musical sound track, standing too close to a stranger while peeing in a urinal is juxtaposed with a car driving too close to a bicycle as drivers are encouraged to "leave at least a meter of personal space". Check out the article in Adnews about the Road Rage campaign written and Directed by Kelly Boulton, produced by Infinity Squard for NRMA.
Comparing road manners with everyday situations in a Road Ragers Anonymous lesson exposes the ludicrous nature of road rage. Set to a cheesy musical sound track, standing too close to a stranger while peeing in a urinal is juxtaposed with a car driving too close to a bicycle as drivers are encouraged to "leave at least a meter of personal space". Check out the article in Adnews about the Road Rage campaign written and Directed by Kelly Boulton, produced by Infinity Squard for NRMA.